Thursday, 26 November 2015

What Are The Quad Premium Domains

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In the recent time, internet has taken several new dimensions, hence 2014 when the ICANN began the release of multiple new domains’ extensions into the market. The dimension taken by them was with the claim that startups were no longer getting good names for their online presence, due to buyout of all good generic names in the market, and those available in the aftermarket are unaffordable for startups. 

But to God be the Glory, it has gone far, far beyond human manipulations in this year 2015 alone, domain investment has taken a new curve beyond human imaginations; the ICANN release tends to be a deliberate intention for a purpose claimed that the internet is getting saturated and that new extensions were the solutions. Though, new extensions made marks and still making marks, but emergence of the Chinese in the industry is making a big difference that no human could categorically predict or envisage how lasting the trend could be. Though, there are some levels of fear of falling of price, but I bet you, the trend does not look like it will fall soon, based on many reasons behind the risen of the market price.

Never the less, my prediction is not a guaranty for any investment attempt. Please I am talking strictly based on my research and no more. But I believe that if you invest on .com and .com alone, there will be no absolute loss out. Domain business has been before the ongoing emergence of the Chinese sudden surged in the market.
What are the factors that makes quad premium domains?
So on the above note, I realized the need to bring those factors for many domain name investors, especially, the startups and probably the end users who cares to know what are the factors that makes premium quad domains. With my studies on so many domain name sites and blogs, I brought you the below factors as found them for you, so that you can better learn the intricacies of making good investment decisions to success.

There Are Sub Categories of Quad domains: 

I believe in the facts as written by on their website, but for purpose of comprehension; I have my own addition and subtraction to make it more desirable. 

Quad – is “four” or “4”, in the case of words; it means the combination of four letters. Or 4 number digits, in the case of numeric and mixed of letters and numbers, it then have the combination combos as the case may be, to make up quad domains. 

Types of Quad domains and Extensions

LLLL.ccTLD types
LLLL.coms types types
LLLL,info types
LLLL,org types
LLLL.NgTLD types
NNNN.ccTLD types
NNNN.coms types types
NNNN,info types types
NNNN.NgTLD types


Old or Aged Quads: Are the domains that were registered before or in year 2000.

 English or Western Non-premium Quad Domains: 

Are domains that includes non premium letters; in the western or English language, the following 9 letters are considered to be non premium letters because they do not appear frequently in English language: J, K, Q, U, V, W, X, Y and Z. Every domain that includes alphabets B, C, D, F, G, H, L, M, N, P, R, S and T are premium letters or good and thus good domains. Visit domainsherpa.

What is Chinese Quad Chips:
There are 5 vowels A, E, I.O, U and V which are not good for Chinese according to their native background. Chinese investors can only invest on names that include 20 letters as listed: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, W, X, Y and Z.

Can you imagine that a Chinese domain investor Xiao Ping Guo was arrested for registration of a domain name with western letters and vowels, because it was against Pinyin protocol and ethics, in accordance to the laws and regulations of their Clans in the Republic of China? Read More on the story here
Western Quad Numeric:
There is nothing Like Western Quad Numeric: The common believe is that all quads numeric are four in combination combos. It may be any numeric domains, be it all “zeros” or “4”or whatever combinations.

Chinese Quad Premium or Chip Domains:
Chinese are a typical native people who have meaning for every letter or number.  They have the strong believe that those meaning matters to them and thus have influence in whatever they do.
Their Chip domain names does not include vowels - A, E, I, O, U and letter “V”, because letter “V” is not available in Chinese Pinyin and syllables. Chinese premium quad domains are consonants combination combos, consonants are their premium letters and prefer to buy any domain that are in that format and in any extension of their choice.
However, the domains that include non premium letters are not taken serious and recognized as non Chip and low in values.

Numeric Domains:
Their numeric domains also have chip and non chip category. Chip or Premium numeric are those that does not include “double zeros” (00) or “single zero” (0) and number “four” or “4” though, they are in some cases consider single zero, if it comes as the last digit of the quad combo, example, or etc. Any domain that include double zeros are non premium and thus, a no go area for them. They recognized such as abomination in their native clans, because it has negative effect in their native believe.

Final Note:
However, all of the above laws or believes does not affect any pronounceable domains, if any domain is non premium or chip for Chinese clans, such could be premium for western clans. But the issue is that, the Chinese premiums are hotcake in the market today, and very liquid than the western quads. Premium Chips are Liquid in the sense that, you can buy them today and sell it in the next few days at a higher and profitable price.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015