Friday, 10 June 2016

One, Two Letters Numeric or Characters Domains Dot Anything are Trendy and liquid In Market

Though, ever before, one or two letters or characters domain names with generic extensions were liquid in domain market; but now; trend has gone wilder and now the trend in the market are one or two characters domain names with almost any extension are very liquid in the market these days; be it new tlds, cctlds extensions or old generics, you could find are next to sure money on the table, these days.

 For anyone to get into the new trend, should be ready to part away with any amount of cash for buying of such short domains or for new registrations, though new registration may not as costly as the old ones. However, it takes hard work to get those short stuffs for  new regs, but they are still available if one can work hard with foresight.

 You see what I mean in the market place like sedo, dnjournal, domainmarket and aftermarket etc.

Recently the following domains were sold:

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Sunday, 5 June 2016

Strategies I Adopted for Domain Name Development and Fame

Having realized that ordinary domain name sales are not easy tasks; as it requires so much patience and time, I then determined to develop some of my domains as much as I could. And again for one to develop domain names requires  money and time for development to get the domain ranks on Google and many other search engines.

Previously, my portfolio was having  100 names altogether, but whence I decided to start a new strategy, I have dropped many of my domain names to  a very small size of say something around 10 domains at a time and the moment I sell one domain name, I replace them with another one. 

Monday, 30 May 2016

What Are In Domain Names And What Makes Them Valuable

Before I continue on this topic, I think there is the need for my readers to first read my previous article on 
“How To Identify Good Domain Names And the Potential Buyers”  so that when I ‘m writing about “what are in domain Names”  they could easily understand my plight.

On daily basis, millions of people are visiting online space; and few facts I know are that high numbers of those visiting online are not just for fun but for meaningful reasons, which does not short of finding of business or research information and to get the possible solutions to their various challenges.

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Saturday, 28 May 2016

Domain Name Is an Essential Property for Every Online Entrepreneur

Like this Domain? Buy it

Be you a start-up or online guru; domain name is very essential for online entrepreneurs. No matter how you wish to start your online business, the only fact is that, a nice domain name is very essential to make your presence felt online to showcase your business. 

But even though in this present time; you can hardly find good new domain names, and for you to acquire the good ones; it requires camel's effort at passing through the needle's eye. Yes! It is something like that. But however, there are sets of domainers who acquired such worthy premium names and kept in their portfolios for sales. 

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Sunday, 15 May 2016

My 7 Common Mistakes When I Started Domain Business

I just figured out, after due reasoning on my today’s topic, that writing about the common mistakes of domainers could go a long way helping so many people who are interested in domain business, for such people to enter into the business without going through such common mistakes committed by many others. 
Domain business is one of the most highly profitable businesses among those I know online; there is no doubt about that. But if it is not done aright; that objective may not be properly achieved.