Saturday, 6 August 2016

What Are Values in Domain Names For Beginner

This material is written for any startup domainer for easy understanding of domain business; and I will try as much as possible to itemize the article.

Here is the material:

In some cases, there could be number/ or numbers - In case of Quads or Chips i.e NNLL or LLNN or NNNN, NNNNNNN etc - if good pattern. Do you know that this name sold for $150,000 on 9/11/2015 - Sept,11th 2015 ? It happened at

In some cases, there could be hyphens- if all the extensions are completely taken or when it is the same in dictionary or say generic in nature. But I don't like hyphens, no matter the situations In my own wholly opinion.

Yes .com only if non of the extensions is taken. As a startup; it is better to stick to .com

I will rather say good CPC, depending on what you term as high CPC in some cases it could be from $2 and above; if you are taken CPC of about $2, then the search volume should be very high of say 5000 and above and should be vice versa. If the CPC is very high of say about $10 and above, you can decide to take the domain that has a low search volume of say 2000 in my opinion.

EMD - Yes I hope you understand the term EMD and keywords

In addition - AGE is very important if it is not a new domain. But however, I have seen many domain registered in a day and sold high on that particular day or the following day. However, age is like in the case of physical land as old as it is, the greater the appreciation of the land so is domain name.

Another value is - Size - the length, it is better to have it as short as much as you could have your domain names.

Another  very important value is the trend of the word or keyword or EMD. Follow this link to check trends of your keyword or what ever. There is possibilities of quick sales if you have  trendy domain names.

To read more on What Makes Good Domain Names, please read here
Or here to read on what makes premium domain names 

Friday, 29 July 2016

What Are Search Engines and What Are They Used For?

Search engines are websites that are built for the purpose of easy assessing of words or keywords on internet; should in case someone is looking for a particular product, services or materials on internet. If type the word or keyword on search engine form, it could be a source of easy finding of the materials or whatever you are looking for, be it contents, services, products, images or a particular online shop.

 Read More

Monday, 25 July 2016

Chinese ccTLD .CN Rises to Third Position on Best 10 Domain Extensions

China's Map

The  verisign report of the first quarter of year 2016 has been released and we are made to realized that there are total 326.4 domain names registered so far  across the entire TLDs including all extensions are, an increase of 12 million domain names. As a result of that improvement which accounted for about 32.4 million, or 11 percent increase as against the fourth quarter of 2015. It also showed us that Chinese are holding about 40% of the entire premium domain names ever registered.

Among the ccTLDs we are made to realize that the .cn extension rose to second position on cctlds chat and in third position across the board, behind .com, .tk and .cn stood in third position above .de and .net etc.
For full details of the entire data, please follow the link to download the Verisign domain Name Industry Brief Report Volume 13 – issue 2 – July 2016 Pdf format of Verisign briefing

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Why Old Domains Are More Valuable and Liquid Properties

Like This Domain? Then Click and buy it
Having gone through so many pages of internet especially, on forums that has to do with domain business; we realized it is more profitable and consistent to make profits when you often get your domain names from drop catching market. Yes! I mean dropped markets; for that is the only place you can acquire old and mature domains. 

Why is it so? That is the actual question I expected from a serious and curious startup domainers. The reason behind this is that, everybody loves maturity, and to command reliability and trust for whatever business in which we embark upon. For anyone to get that, it is better more achieved on old domains.
Having said that, I do not mean to say hand registered domains are not good and that they cannot command all of the above traits in business.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

How to Add Payment Tools On Godaddy Accounts

There are so many argumentation on the whether Godaddy accept Paypal or not or having problem on how to add their payment tools on their account and that lead me to make available this manual on how to set up payment tools on Godaddy account.

Please just follow from Pix 1 to 5 and you are good to go on setting your payment tools on Godaddy account.

You can click on any of the images to have a bigger and brighter views.

Happy reading.

Pix 1.

Go to the top right of the pix 1 and click on your account name and follow the drop down

Pix 2
On Pix 2 Click on the setting on the dropped down

Pix 3. 
Click on Payees 

Pix 4
Name Your Payee 

Pix 5
Select Your Payment Tool of Choice.

Lastly, you need to save your payment tool and you are good to Go with your choice of payment and withdrawal tools.