Friday, 20 November 2015

CcTLDs And New Top Level Domains Are Also Taking Their Shares of quad domains!!!

For sure this is a bountiful sales time for domain investors. Those who are strong minded have entered the market when it was at just registration fees, but now, only those who have good capital or well experienced with little capital could join the trend now. With luck, backorder and drop could be good sources of getting the quads and five letter .com chips now.

I’m not surprise, but excited when I heard that Frank Schilling sold some of his quad domains for $3 million dollars; the domains are 2,000 of 4 letters chip .com. I’m excited not because I am going to have any share out of his sales proceeds; but because the industry is getting more recognized by the world. And there is a typical believes in my native clan (Yoruba) that when you rejoiced with a successful one; there is a tendency that people will soon rejoice with you.

Domain investors who are foresighted with little capital can also make good money, provided they can work hard to find good and short domain chips on good extensions that are buyers’ choice.

Domain market is now broad and there is no more monopoly of the market anymore. Some country codes are taking their shares of the quads cake; such as .co- (Colombia extension) .in - (Indian also meant for Internet), .cc - (Coco’s Island) .cn – (Chinese extension) are almost sold out if not completely sold out and their prices are also going high in the aftermarket.

Frank Schillings also told us that quad domains like .link and .click are almost sold out if not completely registered. Among new extensions .Club and .top are making waves on 3N domains, some .club triple characters numeric domains are hot in auction right now, especially at sedo’s auction

 As the market is hot up on quad letter niche, so it is in numeric, even numeric domains are getting hotter and it is not likely to have any new registration available on any short numeric domains. Definitely, you cannot find any new quad 4N anymore; I even doubt if anyone could get any from drop. Same is 5N domains, may be, one can still get 6N from drop, but I also doubt the possibility of getting such at any drop market, because people are desperately taken hold of them in the recent time.

There are many middle buyers in market now, which buys from the inpatient investors or those who believed in fast turnaround of their investments.

The sold out are not just on .com it is also drying up on all other generic extensions. Yesterday, I found information on namepros about the risen price of .net extension at and I even found some quads chips .org sold on such as, $120,000, for $26,000, etc and some are on high bids at sedo

Presently as I am writing this article, some .club triple pattern numeric domains, such as is leading with 49 bids and at $3,200 as of this morning and followed by with 24 bids at $1,383.

Can you imagine, a business tycoon is preparing estimate to buy all available 7N .com domains without 0 and 4 in the body of the domain. Read the dialogue at namepros

Read Chinese Simplified version here

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Latest on Quad Premium Domain Name Chips Trend

Having looked through many drop markets and various domain blogs and forums; such as,,, and on ofcourse where thousands of domain investors flocks, for nothing else than searching for the latest news and direction on domain name industry.

Image from
 While doing that, I found several issues that boiled down to the ongoing trend on what is known as “Quads Domain Name Chips” I realized that after the buyout of all quad chip .com, and .net, .top and etc. Having done that, realised lot of people buying and selling of quad and two characters domains on .biz extension; such as or and, among them is the sale of 66.Biz for $69k. I believe that with these sales, there likely to be more investors buying and selling .biz domains in the market.

There is also ongoing sales of pattern domains, such as extension ie. or vice versa or as you like to combine your domains.  However, rarity is fully catching up with five numeric .co domains.  The buyers are still same Chinese investors and on that note, it is advised to put into consideration what makes the Chinese premium domains before investing on the Chinese domain’s niche.

The trend is also going vast on LLNN or NNLL and on five letters – LLLL domain names, be it .com, .net, .top, .cc, .cn, .biz and .co. There is another new pattern trend (may be not new, but just realised it) going on - such as repeated single letter pattern domains, such as buying a long same premium letters of say about four (4) to ten (10) repeated letters; something like etc.
Same thing is going on repeated same figure/numeric such as Right now, five numeric domains are going for good cash. There is this news where ex-Marchex is selling out their five numeric .com domains; two of them were acquired by – and for $1,000,000.

Comparisons of Short domains

Short domains, especially the numeric and quad chips are now favorably compared to many valuable metals such as gold, copper and diamond etc, because it is very easy to exchange your virtual properties to cash when there is the need to do so.

What Are Chinese Chips Domains

Lastly, I once again wish to remind you of what makes Premium Domain Chips or Quad Chips. Quad chips are short combination of four letter domains. In the case of Chinese - quads chips are four letters, such as the combinations of consonants that excludes vowels A, E, I, O, U and V it can be something like CCCC, CVCV, or CCVV are considered as liquid.  

Western Premium Quads are combination of alphabets that excludes these 8 non premium letters as thus  J, K, Q, V, W, X, Y and Z and domains without them are considered to be more liquid than those domains that includes these 8 non premium alphabets.  

But however, in the recent time, according to the trend of the liquidity of quads in the market, it seems end users and investors are coming to the market to get what is available, unlike when there was enough for selections.

What Are Chinese Investors Buying

Type of domains the Chinese investors are buying exclude the Vowels A, E, I, O, U and letter V and in case of numeric, they don’t like double zeros - 00 and 4. Double Zeros and 4 means bad luck and they are trying as much as possible to avoid those characters. Single zero is accepted if it comes as last figure.

However, with my latest research, I realized that buyers also buy the VCVC and VVCC or CCVV
But the prices varies from those categorized as Chips – that is, quads without any vowel. And in case of numeric, should be without 4 and double zeros.

Legend to this article: 

C - Consonant,
V - Vowel
N –Number,
L - Letter
Domain Chips – In this context, means domains without any vowel in the body of the domain. Or in the case of numeric combinations; are domains without figure 4 and zero.

For reference :

Please read more here

Read the Chinese Simplified version here 

Friday, 6 November 2015

Chinese and Western Quads Premium Domains Are No Longer Easy For Drop Catching

Can you imagine that domain name business is getting more and more interesting on daily basis? You may not believe me telling you that names no longer drop in the market anymore; the name like the Chinese Premium or Western Premium domains no longer drops. I have done over a week search and could no longer find anyone available for me to catch. 

image from
The drop catching or back orders are really getting hectic beyond my imaginations. If you are looking for something like 3 and 4 numeric .com domains to backorder, then you must have something around minimum cash of say $1000 as your capital money to fight in the backorder market. In most cases, you are not the only one to backorder a particular domain and the names are sent to auction where you need to bid against other domain investors and sometimes could be with the end users.

There was a report on that says all .co quads are no longer available for hand registration anymore which is very absolute.

Looking for something like 4 to 5 letter's .com domain name, you need to have minimum cash of about $500. It is interesting  to see that .net quads domains are also no longer drop, investors are now going for 3 letters numeric’s  .me, .tv , .cc and .cn for Chinese premium and the investment are getting good turnover every day; there are always available buyers. The only challenges now is how and where to get the domain names.

Some investors are going for mixed pattern of numeric and letters domains, such as LLN, NNL, LNL, and LLN or the quad domains such as LLNN, NNLL, NLNL, LNLN, because LLLL or NNNN are too difficult to afford and where available, they are too costly for investment

But as a personal advice, it is better to consider what is liquid in market to invest your money, In my opinion,  it is preferable if the domain is costly and liquid for me to venture on it, rather than what is not liquid that can tie money down for too long.

What Makes Western or Chinese Premium Quads Domain Names:

At this juncture, I wish to remind you of what makes up Chinese premiums quads. Quads domains are short domains such as the combinations of consonants, excluding vowels A, E, I, O, U and V as the starting letter, it can be something like CCCC, CVCV, or CCVV; these are more better and liquid and Western Premium Quads are combinations of alphabets excluding J, K, Q, U, V, W, X, Y or Z. are more liquid, but however, in the recent time according to the trend of the liquidity of quads in the market it seems end users and investors are coming to the market to get what is available unlike when there was enough for selection.

 What makes valuable?
Patterns: are what makes quads differs from one another and thus the liquidity value varies from pattern to pattern.

Type of domains the Chinese investors are buying exclude the Vowels A, E, I, O, U and letter V and incase of numeric, they don’t like double zeros - 00 and 4. Double Zeros and 4 means bad luck and they are trying as much as possible to avoid those characters.

Legend: C - means Consonant, V - Vowel 
N – means Number, L - means Letter

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