Friday, 28 April 2017

ccTLD's Sales Report for 9th – 15th April 2017

Here is your new report for the week dated 9th – 15th April, 2017. soar high, the domain was sold for $53,500 at sedo marketplace and then another acronym was also sold for $12,500 on same day with blackjack-Vegas at same sedo on 12th April, 2017. Both Blackjack-Vegas and TMHCC are on the Year to Date DnJournal Top 100 sales. on number 31 of top 100 of all extensions, while TMHCC sitting at number 22 of ccTLDs Top hundred list.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

ccTLD Sales Market Report for 2nd – 8th April, 2017

Here is your new report for the week dated 2nd – 8th April, 2017.  A three letter domain name - soared above all ccTLD sales in the week, the next to that is and thirdly in our this week report is and were sold at sedo and the was sold at namejet. was sold for exact $18,000, sold for $17,828 while sold for $15,500. The two of the domain names and were reported by DNjournal and they stood comfortably ranked 9th and 10th on Dnjournal’s best 100 ccTLD’s  year to date 100 top sales chart dated April 9th , 2017.

Monday, 10 April 2017

ccTLDs Market Sales Report for 26th March - 1st of April 2017

I must first and foremost apologize to my readers for failure to post this report in a week or more lately than the actual day it supposed to have been posted. However, it was due to power failure which is presently ongoing in my geo location, but I hope it will soon be a thing of the past and I will try my possible best to publish all the missing reports. Cheers and thank you for your patience.

Coming to the report, a four LLLLs domain name - sold for $100,320 at Domain Broker Australia (DBR), followed by a two letter .cc domain - sold for $37,000 by Chirag Chavda and thirdly was sold for $27,831 at sedo. The three of the domain names were reported by DNjournal and they all stood comfortably ranked on Dnjournal leader board chart/report of the week dated Mon. March 27, 2017 - Sun. April 2, 2017.