I must first and
foremost apologize to my readers for failure to post this report in a week or
more lately than the actual day it supposed to have been posted. However, it
was due to power failure which is presently ongoing in my geo location, but I
hope it will soon be a thing of the past and I will try my possible best to
publish all the missing reports. Cheers and thank you for your patience.
Coming to the report, a
four LLLLs domain name - Fetch.com.au sold for $100,320 at Domain
Broker Australia (DBR), followed by a two letter .cc domain - TV.cc sold
for $37,000 by Chirag Chavda and thirdly was Website.de sold for $27,831
at sedo. The three of the domain names were reported by DNjournal and they all
stood comfortably ranked on Dnjournal leader board chart/report of the week
dated Mon. March 27, 2017 - Sun. April 2, 2017.